Sunday, February 21, 2010

Seasons of Life

For the past couple of weeks I have been suffering pain with my teeth. I visited the dentist 4 or 5 times and each time I get enough pain for days ahead. This is how week we are! A tooth may make our life painful n tasteless! I could not eat well for a number of days. By Allah, we need to humble ourselves for our creator to look after us and ease our life. Without his Mercy, one's life may become truly miserable. Today, I was talking to a friend of mine in Canada. We were close to each other during my living at Surrey. He sounded unhappy and saddened. Actually, he was so inflicted by hardship to the extent he is desiring not live anymore! While hearing to him I remembered the verse where Allah tells us that he created us in hardship! So, this is life! It somewhat resembles the four seasons! It does not stay at one face! It keeps changing. Thus we need to accustom ourselves to this simple fact. We need to bear its bad weather to enjoy its good weather. and it is okay to feel down! We all do! just take life lightly and less seriously and let's all remember whenever we confront a turmoil that it will pass and won't stay for ever. Let's train ourselves to see the good in every situation! Let's read and interpret life events in ways that make us feel good and live well. Wish you success and happiness. Be well :)